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Kye Marshall

In the winter the world is transformed into a pristine flowing landscape. I am fascinated by the sculpted formations created by wind and storms. This year I started to see the soft contours of female forms emerging in the snow, with the reflection of blue skies adding colour to the sculptures making them ever more pronounced. Perhaps my wish for a more female consciousness in this world allows me to see these gorgeous formations.

Marshall is a composer and experimental cellist who brings to her photography her experience, vision and discipline as a professional musician. Her compositional skills using colour, rhythm, line and form influence her photographs. She plays with elements such as visual figure/ground as they relate to the musical soloist/accompaniment.

Her photographs have been used on the cover of five of her CDs and chosen for the CNMTA Centennial book, Yes ArtGala and Show Your Ontario contest. Her photographs appear in a Magnum Blurb book (2010), in private collections, solo, and group shows.

Writing and website design © Dougal M.Haggart,     To Top