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Sheila Craig Waengler

Robinson Crusoe Island is the largest of the Juan Fernandez Islands in Chilian territory. Daniel Dafoe’s book dates the story back to 1704 when a British Buccaneer ship deposited a sailor Alexander Selkirk on Mas a Tierra Island (Robinson Crusoe Island). He was picked up in 1709 and survived.

Tugboat Sans Souci This Tug boat was anchored in front of my small Precambrian white pine island at Georgian Bay.

Sheila studied Fine Arts at University College, U of T with painting instruction by Charles Comfort and John Hall. She was also influenced by her mother Grace Craig, who knew all the Group of 7, and painted with Arthur Lismer and A.Y. Jackson.

Accompanying her foreign correspondent husband, Sheila travelled to 65 countries over a period of 35 years.

Sheila’s media are as diverse as her travels. She has used oil crayons and watercolours to sketch daily life in India, Japan, Jamaica, Cuba, and Hawaii and is fluent in both acrylic and oil paint.

She is inspired by the pre-Cambrian rock formations in the Georgian Bay.

Writing and website design © Dougal M.Haggart,     To Top